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Fun 20' yoga exercise (Guide driven learning) is every morning to get the endorphins going.

Taekwondo practice is three times/week. It is based on a custom video created by a master and one weekly meeting with a master to review everyone's progress and feedback.

Cooking immersion
(Guide driven learning)
Cooking immersion finishes every day. (It is optional.) Kids learn simple, vegetarian recipes they can prepare for their families.

(Guide driven learning)

Writing every day allows kids to have fun creating stories, practicing spelling, designing articles, and pretending to be historical figures. The goal is to teach them quick thinking on the spot and feeling comfortable with writing.

Khan Academy
(self-paced software-based learning along with a guide driven learning)
Khan Academy has the best math teacher available: Khan himself clearly explains math concepts while his team has questions designed to ensure that kids have a full understanding of a concept before moving on. 

Reading Club
(Guide driven learning)
Reading Club is to inspire a habit of reading and develop comfort in Socratic discussions.

Art & Music 
(Guide and software-driven learning)
Art & Music is to develop skills and talents of translating emotions and information into drawings and music.

(self-paced software-based learning along with a guide driven learning)
Dreambox is a fun game of solving challenges through completing math quests.

(self-paced software-based learning)
Duolingo is a fun way to master a foreign language.



Each Yoga morning session is wrapped up with two to five minutes of meditation for grounding and a three-minute positive visualization for the day.

Reading Club
Reading Club explores texts that develop strong & positive character traits. Kids will research significant historical figures, folk stories, myths, and writings about social and environmental dilemmas. Further Socratic discussions will benefit the kid's character development.
Gratefulness Moment

Gratefulness Moment wraps up each day with a mission to create a glass half full mindset.

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