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"I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do! That is character!"

Theodore Roosevelt


What a statement by Theodore Roosevelt! If only it was easy to have a moral compass built-in and live by it without worrying about what others think. We all know that it is not easy, but there are heroes in the past and present that achieved this state of mind and character. And we also know that the world will need more of these heroes in the future. But how do you inspire kids to build a strong character? Well, the truth is that the home is the main factor in character building. Still, we are here to read about the incredible historical figures. Discuss their traits and debate if we would have what it takes to be like them and challenge the kids to create good deeds, contribute their time and skills to worthy causes, so hopefully, one day, it will all be instinctive... 
We believe in Heraclitus's thought:



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