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“You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with”
Jim Rohn


My E.School is not for everyone. We understand it and we are OK with it because we are looking to create a like-minded community. Often you put your child in a school, and it is out of your control. Who becomes his/her friend, and what mindset is your child acquiring? That is why our school isn't for everyone, and not everyone is a good fit for us... Please note that we don't care about your religion, financial status, skin color, or political preferences... We do care, though, that you believe in our vision. In fact, we hope we are fulfilling YOUR vision for your child's education. Because it is at most importance to us that our community consist of kids whose parents:
trust them to learn and execute self-accountability, 
want them to fuel their curiosity to create real-life projects while building a strong knowledge foundation,
believe that it is vital for kids to learn at their own pace;
trust kids to set challenging goals themselves,
want them to build character and habits for life to become heroes;
understand the importance of grounding and self-discovery.
We want a like-minded community. So, children in our school have like-minded families after hours. Families that promote the same values.
And yes it would be awesome if you happen to have classmates in the same zip code so you could play together in local parks. But suppose you happen to be isolated from your E.School classmates by many miles. In that case, you as a parent can sleep peacefully that at least a few hours a day your kid is spending time in the inspiring company of like-minded kids fueling each other with exciting ideas, inspiring real-life projects, reading books...
We believe:



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