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“Flying starts from the ground. The more grounded you are, the higher you fly.”
J.R. Rim


TV, video games, computers, iPads, phones, museums, theaters, concerts, restaurants, friends, errands, classes... schedule... schedule... schedule... How would you react if I said: "Let your kid get bored. Don't schedule anything"... Well, it was shocking to me when I heard it. Then after a minute of me getting over the surprise of that statement the teacher explained:

"Only a bored aka quiet mind

finds a creative way to entertain itself,

is OK with its own company and

finds what it loves..."

SILENCE... Literally silence on my behalf...


It kind of made sense but I was too busy with my schedule for a while (go figure) to implement it.  And then I tried it. It was difficult at first. Lots of anger and screaming and then... EUREKA!!! IT WORKS... the results were stunning...

Anyway, I am not telling you that that's what we will do here, but you might consider it after our school day is done. It made me realize that as the negative space is crucial in art, so is the quiet mind in our brain's life. And therefore, we believe it is important to start grounding early so it is second nature by the time teenage years come and hormones kick in, kids face many choices they most likely won't share with you... You want to be sure they are grounded and confident in making the right choices even though those might not be popular with their piers...

And hence here is what we pledge:

Each day starts with 15-30' yoga class.

Yoga class is wrapped up with 2-5 min meditation for grounding.

Then there are 3' of positive visualization for the day.

Gratefulness Moment wraps up each day with a mission to create a glass half full mindset.

If we keep it simple and exercise those short practices every day, the results will be for life. And why we think it is so important? We simply believe that finding a child's talent is the ultimate guide's goal, and we agree with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar words:



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